Highlighting and showcasing goods, services and facilities available to people in Carmarthenshire

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07585 626905

Our mission

Disabled people, their carers, relatives and friends know all too well that access to goods, services and facilities is far from perfect despite pages of legislation much of which is unenforced. Walk down the high street of most towns in Carmarthenshire and you will see that as many as 50% of shops are inaccessible. Most shops do not even provide a seat for the benefit of older people. We could fill this website with pictures of barriers that prevent disabled people from participating in activities non-disabled people take for granted.

But we don’t want to do that. Instead, we want to promote that which can be accessed by disabled people. We want to shine a light on those who go beyond the minimum required and are aware of disability, both physical and invisible, improving the inclusiveness achievable by disabled people.

To do this we need your help by sending us information, pictures and video of providers that have gone to extra lengths to provide access to their products, services and facilities. We will create a directory of those providers so that other disabled people can find them. So please help us to help others. We hope this site will be a beacon shining a light on the parts of Carmarthenshire that are fully accessible to disabled people.

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07585 626905

Send us your examples of accessible goods, services and facilities


Reaching goods can sometimes be a bit of a stretch. Tell us where you have found it easy to get to what you want. Do staff enquire if you need assistance without having to be asked?

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07585 626905


Do you have examples of good, accessible public transport? How easy do you find getting your eyes tested and access to dental treatment?

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07585 626905


Can you get into art galleries, theatres and cinemas? Are you able to participate in local sports events? Keen on keeping fit at an accessible gymnasium? Do you like singing and/or performing, are there any accessible choirs and thespian groups out there?

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07585 626905